Boost Courses
Struggling to revise on your own?
Exams are getting close! Gain exam confidence for GCSE and A Level subjects by revising key topics and study with support from highly experienced teachers.
"Friendly and helpful, made you realise what you have learnt but want you need to work on. Was a good way of checking and improving knowledge. Some content was covered that my teachers at my previous school overlooked/ didn't bother to expand on." Lucy from Easter 2024 Boost Course
We have an A Level timetable and a GCSE timetable. Please consult the timetables and complete the relevant booking form for A Levels or for GCSEs.
Our Boost Courses are an excellent way to increase your confidence ahead of A Level and GCSE external assessments or mocks. Charterhouse Online believes that the best way to inspire confidence for exams is to have the support of experienced and qualified teachers, where quality is assured.
Our Boost courses provide the opportunity to complete GCSE and A Level revision through the convenience of online learning. The course will include input on exam technique, study skills and addressing subject misconceptions with expert, friendly Charterhouse Online approved teachers.
The courses are open to ALL specifications. They will be run in October half term, the Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and May half term. If, for whatever reason, you are unable to attend all the sessions according to the timetable, you could consider additional tutoring blocks.
A Level Timetable for October 2024
Key: Geog - Geography; Eng Lit - English Literature; Phys - Physics; Bus - Business Studies; Bio - Biology; CS - Computer Science; MFL - Modern Foreign Languages; Psych - Psychology; Econ - Economics; Chem - Chemistry.
Mon 21st Oct |
Tues 22nd Oct | Wed 23rd Oct | Thurs 24th Oct | Fri 25th Oct | |
09.00 - 09.55 | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics |
10.00 - 10.55 | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics |
11.00 - 11.55 | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics |
13.00 - 13.55 | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem |
14.00 - 14.55 | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem |
15.00 - 15.55 | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem |
17.00 - 17.55 | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus |
18.00 - 18.55 | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus |
19.00 - 19.55 | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus | Bio / Maths / CS / Politics | MFL / Psych / Econ / Chem | Geog / Eng Lit / Phys / Bus |
GCSE Timetable for October 2024
Mon 21st Oct | Tues 22nd Oct | Wed 23rd Oct | Thurs 24th Oct | Fri 25th Oct | |
09.00 - 09.55 | GCSE Maths | GCSE Maths | GCSE Maths | GCSE Maths | GCSE English Language |
10.00 - 10.55 | GCSE Maths | GCSE Maths | GCSE Maths | GCSE Maths | GCSE English Language |
12.00 - 12.55 | GCSE English Language | GCSE English Language | GCSE Combined Science | GCSE English Language | GCSE Combined Science |
13.00 - 13.55 | GCSE English Language | GCSE English Language | GCSE Combined Science | GCSE English Language | GCSE Combined Science |
15.00 - 15.55 | GCSE Combined Science |
GCSE Combined Science |
GCSE English Language | GCSE Combined Science | GCSE Maths |
16.00 - 16.55 | GCSE Combined Science | GCSE Combined Science | GCSE English Language | GCSE Combined Science | GCSE Maths |
The prices listed below apply for each subject. For example, if you were to choose A Level Biology and A Level Chemistry for 3 days, this would be 2 x £425 = £850 + VAT.
Number of days for each A Level course |
Cost per course in £ (excluding VAT) |
1 |
200 |
2 | 325 |
3 | 425 |
4 | 500 |
5 | 550 |
Number of days for each GCSE Level course |
Cost per course in £ (excluding VAT) |
1 |
175 |
2 | 250 |
3 | 325 |
4 | 400 |
5 | 450 |
Class sizes are a maximum of 12 per group.
For A Levels each day will consist of 3 lessons of 55 minutes for each subject and for GCSEs 2 lessons of 55 minutes each
Please note, if a class only has one student enrolled, the class can still be offered but would incur double the cost of the course to enable this preferential one to one learning environment.